Mold growth in closets can be a frustrating and unpleasant problem to deal with. Not only does it create an unpleasant odor, but it can also damage your clothes and personal belongings. In addition, mold can have serious health effects on you and your family, including respiratory issues and allergies. To prevent mold growth in closets, it’s important to maintain proper ventilation, keep humidity levels low, and promptly address any water leaks or moisture issues. Regular cleaning and inspection of your closets can also help to prevent mold growth and keep your home healthy and safe.
Ways To Prevent Mold Growth In Closets
Here are a few easy methods to prevent mold from growing in closets:
1. Keep Clothes and Belongings Clean and Dry
Damp items like sweaty sports clothes or wet shoes from rain can create an ideal environment for mold to grow. To prevent mold growth in closets, ensure that everything you store inside is completely dry and clean. Allow clothes and other items to dry thoroughly before placing them in the closet, and make sure to wash them beforehand.
2. Clean Your Closets Regularly
Another thing to do to stop mold growth in closets is to regularly clean it. Do this job as often as you can to prevent dirt accumulation. Move things out of the closet, clean the shelves, run a vacuum, and dry the inside thoroughly. Open the door or doors and let fresh air circulate for several hours.
3. Keep The Closet Door Closed
If your closets are located in a room with high humidity like a bathroom, make sure to keep it closed. It is especially important if the shower moisture is present because it can seep into the materials of your closet. By doing this, we can prevent mold growth in closets.
4. Replace To Louvered Doors
If humidity is not a problem in your home, consider replacing your closet doors with louvered doors. These doors can help provide greater air circulation which is important for mold growth prevention.
5. Change Wood To Wire Shelving
Instead of using wood shelving in storing items like shoe boxes or other storage tubs, use wire shelving to allow air circulation and prevent moisture from trapping underneath the stored items.
Also, consider elevating things from the floor to shelves to reduce their risk of getting damp, especially in case of a leak.
6. Leave The Lights On
Mold grows because of moisture, yet the warmth from a low-wattage light bulb can help dispel moisture and keep your closet dry. Install an energy-efficient light bulb inside your closet and leave it on day and night. Just be careful not to place the bulb too close to anywhere flammable or else you may be dealing with fire accidents. You can also consider using silica gel packs as they are effective in absorbing moisture in closets.
7. Don’t Store Clothes in Plastic
Avoid storing clothes in tightly sealed containers like plastic tubs. Plastic material can trap moisture around clothes and create a damp condition that is perfect for mold infestation.
8. Utilize Dehumidifiers or Air Conditioners
Excess humidity trapped in your closet is the primary cause of fungal growth. Consider using a closet-specific dehumidifier to effectively eliminate moisture from the air and promote proper airflow. If a dehumidifier isn’t accessible, another option is to turn on air conditioners to enhance the circulation of cool, dry air within the closet.
How to Remove Mold Growth in Closets
If you notice a moldy smell in your closet, take action quickly. Mold can grow rapidly and cause significant problems and expensive repairs if ignored.
Professional help is often the best option for removing mold in closets. However, if you decide to handle it yourself, prioritize your safety. Wear a face mask and rubber gloves to protect yourself during the cleaning process.
Here are some tips on how we prevent mold growth in closets.
1. Ventilate Your Closet
Open windows that are near the closet to provide ventilation when removing mold. Also, lay a tarp on the surrounding area to protect it from the cleaning solutions.
2. Clean And Remove Mold
Mix several drops of mild dishwashing soap into a bucket full of warm water. Apply the solution to the moly area. Use a stiff brush to remove the mold.
3. Clean the Affected Area
Use a mixture of detergent and water to clean the affected area. Rinse off the detergent with clean water using a spray bottle.
4. Dry The Area
Use large towels to dry the surfaces of your closet. Leave the doors open until everything is completely dry.
Contact Professionals For Mold Removal Services
Mold can thrive even in the cleanest homes and hide even in the best-kept closets. Furthermore, removing mold growth in closets is extremely difficult, plus exposure to it can lead to health hazards like allergies.
Let professionals from Superior Restoration handle this job for you. We will take care of this job and ensure that mold is thoroughly eliminated from your closet. Contact our local office today, Water Damage Riverside for mold removal and remediation services.